Sunday, November 15, 2009

Malcolm's Milestones

Poor neglected second child, Malcolm, now crawls, pulls to standing and has at least 3 teeth with more on the way. But we seem to have few pictures. He is nearly 8 months old now, but I can give you his 6-month stats, he weighed 19lb 8 oz, and so seems destined to keep up with his big brother. So here are a couple of cute shots that we have!

Euan's Autumn adventures

A couple of shots of Euan the Elephant on Halloween. He was more interested in eating candy than going door to door.

Euan has also found time to explore his interest in trucks this fall. His favourite being a "rusty old tractor" from a farm we visited. And some big construction equipment at our friend Jer's in Windsor. (I'm sure Jer had the parking brake on...)

Another one from our trip to Windsor, in a tree with friend Naomi.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Euan's Amusements

Euan and Mom at Centreville on Centre island in Toront
Euan with Grandma Mary & Dad at Santa's Village. Euan is not too keen on sitting on a strange man's knee. Wise boy.

Euan and Dad do some kayaking.

Summer Malcolm

Malcolm enjoying a nice nap at Great Grammy's at Boshkung Lake
Hanging out with GG on the dock.

I am 5 months old in this picture, therefore I eat my toes!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Euan on vacation at Boshkung playing waterskiing.
Playing in the waves in North Bay on lake Nippising (yes those are raindrops in the water)

Malcolm relaxes with Dad in Temagami.

Bedtime at Deerhurst. Reading stories against the mountain of pillows!

Malcolm living it up and sleeping it up at Deerhurst.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Happy 4-month Birthday MC Dougs!

Malcolm is 4 months old today. He went to the Doctor on Monday and the Stats are 7.285 kg and 67 cm long (26 1/3" and 16 lb 1 oz). It amazes me that he is more than double what he weighed at birth, and is half a foot longer. wow.
Some attempts at action shots. Grabbing & pulling and about to roll over.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Euan!

Euan had his 3rd birthday. The big winner present was from Auntie Katharine & Unca Andrzej - how many kids have their own pedal-loader! (only an Auntie & Uncle would buy a present that ensures his parents will never be able to park in their garage!)
Eloise & Euan hope that if they touch the cake, no one else will want any.

The birthday boy & his cake.

A rare family shot.

Rolling rolling rolling

Big excitement for Malcolm this week. A visit from Grandma Mary, who witnessed his first rollover!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Yeah Summer!

This week marked the beginning of summer & Malcolm turning 3 months old!
Euan works hard in the sand with Carter & Logan Myles.
Mom & Malcolm enjoy the gorgeous weather.

Mom attempts to capture Malcolm's 3-month old smiles, but it's tricky with a slow shutter speed.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Spring has sprung

The nice weather allows Euan to engage in some of his favourite activities. Throwing rocks in the creek. And walks with Dad.

And here are the 3 "Dougall Dudes" together! (One of these days someone will take a photo of Mom!!)

Friday, May 22, 2009

2-Months Old

This is Malcolm recovering from his big day at the Dr, shots :( and more measurements. He now weighs in at 6.11 kg & 62 cm in length, that's 95th & 98th percentile respectively. No wonder he doesn't fit in his 3-month clothes! Not to compare or anything, but it's interesting that Euan was the exact same length, but Malcolm is about 3 oz heavier.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Busy May

Lots of activities so far in May. Mom's birthday, which is always a thrill for Euan as it involves cake! Finally a family photo at Grammy Dougall's 85th birthday.Grandma Mary enjoying some summery weather with her grandsons. Euan showing off his climbing skills.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Malcolm's Stats

Malcolm & Mom were discharged from the midwife today, so we have some new stats to report.
Malcolm weighs in at 12 lbs 6 oz and is 58 cm long (why the unit confusion I don't know!) and impressive move from his birth stats of 7 lb 12 oz & 52 cm long.

This photo of Malcolm & his lovely Auntie Katharine shows his giantness well.
And here's Malcolm after the 6-week check up. Looks like he's unimpressed with his growth!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More Adventures

Malcolm, now 5 wks old relaxes on the couch.
Euan and his friend Clare have a jam session. Some very nice weather led us to take the ferry to Toronto Island. As you can see Malcolm really enjoyed the boat.
Euan, whose hobbies include cars & trucks and things that go, loooooved the ferry.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

One month old & Easter

Malcolm is excited for his 1-month birthday. Here he is doing his favourite thing.
But look, eyes are open!! (if anyone can teach me how to use my red eye adjustment properly I'd appreciate it)Euan had a great time at Easter. Here he's trying to figure out Grantie Arlene's complicated easter egg hunt. And below he took in the sights of Easter on the Kingsway.