Sunday, November 15, 2009

Malcolm's Milestones

Poor neglected second child, Malcolm, now crawls, pulls to standing and has at least 3 teeth with more on the way. But we seem to have few pictures. He is nearly 8 months old now, but I can give you his 6-month stats, he weighed 19lb 8 oz, and so seems destined to keep up with his big brother. So here are a couple of cute shots that we have!

Euan's Autumn adventures

A couple of shots of Euan the Elephant on Halloween. He was more interested in eating candy than going door to door.

Euan has also found time to explore his interest in trucks this fall. His favourite being a "rusty old tractor" from a farm we visited. And some big construction equipment at our friend Jer's in Windsor. (I'm sure Jer had the parking brake on...)

Another one from our trip to Windsor, in a tree with friend Naomi.