Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cherry Blossoms

We checked out the cherry blossoms in High Park today. After 5 minutes of making the trees "snow: Euan was mostly interested in the picnic.And as always exploring with his stick.

Glorious Spring!

Malcolm as always, is the life of the party.
Trying to get Euan & Malcolm in the same photo is like trying to get a photo of Brangelina.

Euan takes a test break from his baking. Note his creative storage of the "scrambler".

A rare moment of brothers working side-by-side.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


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Malcolm's 1st Birthday party!

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Happy Birthday to Malcolm in Florida

Malcolm is clearly excited about being 1 yr old. At the Doctor today he was 10.49 kg (51 %ile, 23 lbs) and 79.6 cm tall (88 %ile)Grandma Mary and Euan have some serious fun in the sun.

Showing off the walking skills at Pearson airport.

In honour of his 1st birthday, Malcolm got his mullet cut off. He clearly wasn't too thrilled about it.Hopefully soon I will learn to post videos from our new camera and you can see some Bday footage.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Malcolm the Magnificent

Here's Malcolm the Magnificent who is demonstrating his new trick of the unassisted stand!
Woaaaa! Look Ma no hands! (I should post a video as he does a little knee-dip dance)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Merry Christmas & Happy 2010!

We spent Christmas in North Bay, where we had a nice white Christmas. Here is a shot of Allan & Euan takign advantage of the snow by shovelling the lake (see in the background).
Malcolm's first Christmas dinner. We couldn't keep the mashed potatoes coming fast enough!

Malcolm's first Christmas morning present binge.

Euan studies his toys.

Before heading to North Bay, lucky Euan got to make Christmas cookies with the ever-patient Grandma Mary.

9-month old Malcolm

Malcolm turned 9-months old on Dec 22nd and now weighs 9.425 kg & is 77 cm long, which is 63rd & 98th percentile respectively. For academic interest that is longer & leaner than his big bro. But Malcolm is FAR more active at this age than Euan, so perhaps not surprising.